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DSA for Interview Preparation

Offline Course
interested count82k+ interested Geeks

Join our offline Data Structures and Algorithms course led by experienced mentors from top tech companies. Gain hands-on experience with classroom sessions. Register now!

levelBeginner to Advancecourse duration8 Weeksseats-left3 Seats Left
interested count82k+ interested Geeks
Course CertificateAssessment TestsIndustry Readiness

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Course Overview

  • Strong DSA foundation crucial in tech industry.
  • 2-month offline DSA program by GeeksforGeeks.
  • Experienced mentors from top tech companies.
  • For students and professionals; weekend classes.
  • Covers data structures, sorting, searching, graphs, dynamic programming.
  • 60+ hours recorded content by CEO Sandeep Jain.
  • Strong Discord community for networking.
  • Multiple assignments, quizzes, contests included.
  • 24x7 doubt support; 1:1 career guidance.
  • Builds professional relationships; structured learning.
  • Opens career opportunities: Software Developer, etc.
  • Complimentary self-paced DSA course access.
  • Register now to enhance career prospects.
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What Sets Us Apart

24 X 7 Doubt Support

Recognised Certification

Expert Mentors

Course Features
24 X 7 Doubt Support

A dedicated service provided with this course for free to help you overcome any doubt, at any time, and anywhere. So unleash your coding potential with confidence, as our Doubt Support service stands by your side! 

Benefits of this service: 

- Access to Expert TAs
- Prompt Response
- Tailored Guidance
- 1:1 Video & On-Call Support
& Much More

Now code with confidence, triumph over doubts, and level up your skills!

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What Sets Us Apart

24 X 7 Doubt Support

A dedicated service provided with this course for free to help you overcome any doubt, at any time, and anywhere. So unlea

Recognised Certification

Boost your coding street cred! Excel in the tech landscape with our comprehensive course and prestigious certificates that

Expert Mentors

With a passion for teaching, our mentor(s) sessions will provide tailored guidance to all the aspiring coders. Launch a successful tech career with


Course Content

01Week 1: Analysis of Algorithm, Mathematics, Bit Manipulation & Arrays

Class 1:  Analysis of Algorithm, Mathematics & Bit Manipulation

  • Asymptotic Analysis 
  • Time and Space Complexity
  • Masters Theorem
  • Bitwise Operators (Bitwise AND, Bitwise OR, Bitwise XOR, Left Shift, Right Shift, etc )
  • Problems: GCD and LCM, Iterative Power, Generate Power Set, etc

Class 2:  Arrays

  • Arrays - Introduction and Advantages
  • Types of Arrays
  • Operations of Arrays - Searching, Insertion, and Deletion
  • Sliding Window Technique 
  • Problems: Largest Element in an Array, Leaders in an Array Problem, Maximum Subarray Sum, etc
02Week 2: Recursion, Backtracking & Searching

Class 1: Recursion and Backtracking

  • Introduction to Recursion
  • Writing Base Cases in Recursion
  • Tail Recursion
  • Introduction to Backtracking
  • Problems: Print 1 to N Using Recursion, Rope Cutting Problem, Rat in a Maze, etc

Class 2: Searching

  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search - Iterative and Recursive Approach
  • Analysis of Binary Search
  • Two Pointer Approach
  • Problems: Index of the first Occurrence in SortedArray, Count 1s in a Sorted Binary Array, Square root of a number, etc
03Week 3: Sorting, Matrix & Hashing

Class 1: Sorting

  • Overview of the Sorting Algorithm
  • Sorting Algorithms e.g. Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort with Analysis
  • Stability of Sorting Algorithms
  • Problems: Minimum Difference in an Array, Chocolate Distribution Problem, etc

Class 2: Matrix and Hashing

  • Multidimensional Array
  • Passing 2D Arrays as an argument
  • Hashing Introduction, applications, and analysis
  • Collision Handling
  • Hashing Function
  • Problems: Transpose of a Matrix, Matrix in Snake Pattern, Count Distinct Elements, Frequencies of Array Elements, etc
04Week 4: Strings and Linked List

Class 1: Strings

  • String Introduction 
  • Overview of Pattern Searching Algorithm
  • Naive and Improved Naive Pattern Searching
  • Rabin Karp Algorithm
  • KMP Algorithm (Constructing LPS Array and Complete Algorithms)
  • Problems: Palindrome Check, Reverse words in a string, Anagram Search, etc

Class 2: Linked List

  • Introduction to Linked List
  • Traversing a Linked List 
  • Insertion and Deletion of Node in Linked List
  • Doubly Linked List and Circular Linked List
  • Problems: Middle of Linked List, Deleting a Node without accessing Head pointer of Linked List, etc
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Upcoming Batches


Reviews and Ratings

Adil Naib
Adil Naib
Placed in Capgemini
The Data Structures and Algorithms Self-Paced course I purchased has been a game-changer in my career journey, helping me secure a job at Capgemini. The comprehensive content and hands-on practice provided a solid foundation that I could apply in real-world scenarios. Additionally, the knowledge I gained allowed me to author over 20 articles on GeeksforGeeks, sharing insights and helping others in the tech community.

Reviews and Ratings

user profile
Placed at UST
It helped me crack the interview. It was hard for me to deal with DSA from my college days, but this course helped me sort out all of my issues and helped me understand the DSA well and the cherry on top was that it helped me practice the well curated interview questions of DSA. Thanks a lot GFG.
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Shashank Singh
Placed at Medtronic
This course played a crucial role in helping me get placed at Oracle and get shortlisted for a position at Google. It also provided me with the preparation needed for interviews, equipping me with the knowledge and skills essential for success in these competitive processes.
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aviral dixit
Placed at Wipro
Opting the data structures and algorithms course from Geeksforgeeks was the best decision of my life. It boosted my placement preparation, and a month of self-practice was all I needed to clear the rounds of various companies. The portal had selective questions on every topic for practice, which eventually helped me to land up a job at Wipro.
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Shikha Shree
Placed at Cognizant
Being a student from ECE background, I always struggled while coding. But after opting this course from GeeksforGeeks, things became much better with the proper guidance and study material provided. The mentors were so friendly and helpful that they would dedicate extra time to clear our doubts. The whole 2 month course gave me the confidence to appear in the IT companies.
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Bhargav Ram
Aaum Research and Analythics
I am very glad that I have got placed in Aaum Research and Analytics as a data scientist. At the initial stages of my BTech, I was too frustrated and I am so confused about where to learn and how to develop my logical thinking. At that time GeeksforGeeks played an important role in my life developing skills from very scratch, motivation and patience developed my skills. I used to be very frustrated when I used to have errors in the code but to my mind, Sandeep sir told me one of the finest tricks have patience and belief and overcome the problem. I am very motivated by his kind words and another thing he told me "Struggles are the milestones for success" .Struggling means knowing your mistakes here comes me as a data scientist. One among every one wants to become this only few who face struggles come with the best monuments in their life. Thanks, GFG for everything along with emotional and moral support. I am confident that even I can be successful.
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Anuj Rawat
Placed at Infoedge
I had applied for the Geeks for Geeks course mainly for training and placement purposes. I had a great experience and I got to know a lot about the types of questions frequently asked in companies, and many more. The course also helped me to brush up my coding skills and work on my grey areas. The course helped me in getting placed with great companies as well.
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Yeeroj Sinha
Placed at OPTUM (United Health Group)
Enrolling in the "DSA for Interview Preparation" course was a game-changer for me. It's a comprehensive, one-stop solution covering all DSA concepts. The instructors' expertise, practical examples, and hands-on exercises exceeded my expectations. I enrolled blindly and wasn't disappointed. Highly recommended for anyone serious about excelling in DSA interviews. A worthwhile investment in your professional development.
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Tamal Mondal
Got Placed at Oracle
I am Tamal Mondal, a final-year MTech CSE student from IIT Hyderabad. I enrolled in the GFG Program to prepare for the 2023-24 placement season. The course is a good value for money. Firstly, the course is very well structured and it covers almost all the topics in Data Structure and Algorithms with solutions of the most popular coding problems from each topic.

Frequently Asked Questions


Will I get 90% of my course fee back?


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How does the admission process work for this course?


Is there any online course material available with this course?


What is the Batch Strength of this course?


Do you get doubt support for this program?


Do you provide the recordings of the class?