This course will guide you for placements with theory, lecture videos, weekly assessments, contests and doubt assistance.
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Whether youre preparing for product-based companies (like Amazon, Microsoft, Adobe, etc), startups (like Ola, Swiggy, Zomato, etc) and service-based companies (like TCS, Infosys, Cognizant, Deloitte, etc), this course is a one-stop solution for all. Placement 100 is a 6 months program comprising of an online course, assessment exam and placement assistance for top performers. The online course covers all the topics required to prepare for placements.
The course includes theory & lecture videos for improvised learning supported by tracks & contests for practice. It comes with a first-in-industry feature: Doubt Assistance to help you if you are stuck. The course will be followed by mock tests which will prepare you for the assessment exam. The assessment exam will be based on the whole course and will be similar to screening exams conducted by most companies. The top performers in the assessment exam will be prioritized in the placement program by GeeksforGeeks. The program also includes Mock Interviews after the assessment exam for the selected students.
This course is best suited for:
*The program is designed to prepare you for placements and does not provide any guarantee of the same
Programming Languages:
C++ : Introduction and Basic I/O, Variables , Operators, Loops, Arrays, String , Functions, Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation
Java : Introduction and Basic I/O, Variables , Operators, Loops, Arrays, String , Immutable Strings, ArrayList , BigInteger
Note: Due to time constraints, you may choose any one programming language of your choice for the course.
Object Oriented Programming:
Classes and Objects
Inheritance and Polymorphism : Overloading and Overriding
Abstraction and Encapsulation
Access Modifiers
Friend and Virtual functions in C++
static, final, this and super keywords and Interfaces in Java
Data Structures and Algorithms:
Basic Recursion
Arrays: Searching, Sorting, Deleting, Shift, Rotation, Prefix Sum...
Bit Magic
Matrix: Search, Delete, Insert, Rotate...
Searching: Linear Search, Binary Search, Two pointer approach...
Sorting: QuickSort and its variation, Mergesort, Counting sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort, Comparator
Hashing: Different Types of Hashing Techniques, Collision resolution Techniques, Hashing Questions
Strings: Basic Operations, Naive Pattern Search, Other searching algorithms.
Linked Lists: Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked Lists, Circular Linked List, Skip List, Doubly Circular
Stacks: Stack Operations, Implementation, Different Questions
Queues: Queue Operations, Implementation, Different Questions, Deque Operations, Implementation, Different Questions.
Tree: Binary Tree, Tree Traversal
Binary Search Tree: Search, Insert, Delete and other important questions, AVL (Basic Introduction)
Heaps: Binary Heap, Questions based on heaps.
Graphs: Types of Graphs, BFS, DFS, Cycle Detection, Connected Components, Bipartite Graph
Recursion and Backtracking: Backtracking questions, n queen, rat, knight etc.
Dynamic Programming: Properties (Top Down, Bottom Up, Optimal Substructures, Overlapping Subproblems).
Graph Algorithms : Shortest Path Algorithms, Connected Components, Bridges
Advanced DS - Trie, Segment Tree, Disjoint Set
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Elevator Design
Parking Lot Design
Tiny URL Design
Bookmyshow Design
Design Chess
Design Online book reader system
Operating System
Operating System and its Types
Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Multithreading
Process Management and Scheduling
Process Synchronization.
Deadlock Recovery
Memory Management
Virtual Memory
Database Management System
Introduction to DBMS
ER Model
Relational Model
Keys in Relational Model
Database Normalization
Normal Forms
Concurrency Control
Indexing in Database
B+ Tree Introduction
Computer Networks:
Introduction to Computer Networks
Transmission Modes
Network Topologies
TCP/IP vs OSI Model
Circuit Switching vs Packet Switching
Flow Control Protocols
Error Detection
IP and Classful Addressing
Classless Addressing
IPv4 vs IPv6
Routing Protocols
Transport Layer
Application Layer
Aptitude and Reasoning
Logical Reasoning
Personality Development:
Soft Skills Tips
HR Round Questions
Resume Building Guide