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TCS NQT Preparation Test Series

Self-Paced Course
interested count39k+ interested Geeks

The TCS National Qualifier Test, commonly known as TCS NQT, aims to find the best talent in the country. This test series will help you prepare for the TCS NQT exam & you can apply for all the top-notch companies that recognize the exam score.

course duration4 Weeks
interested count39k+ interested Geeks

Course Overview

TCS-NQT is a multi-level assessment to assess the following competencies and skills in an individual:

  • Competence on the core cognitive processes required for entry-level jobs
  • Industry-specific knowledge and insights
  • Specialisation on skills required to perform various job roles

Once you give the exam, you can apply to any company that recognises the NQT Score and indicate your NQT registration number and score in the job application form of that company. You can apply for the exam here.

This test series includes all that you need to know about the exam and all the resources you need to prepare for the TCS-NQT Exam. This test series includes: Aptitude questions, Programming logic questions, previously asked questions, 10 mock tests based on real exam, and much more. This test series is the perfect tool for you to prepare for the exam.

So wait no more.

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Course Content


Find all the details about TCS NQT including regristration process, course syllabus, dates and others


Find practice quizes for aptiitude topics and related contests.

03Verbal Ability

Learn about verbal ability via practice. Find quizes and contests for verbal ability topics asked in TCS NQT

04Reasoning Ability

Practice quiz based on reasoning ability questions asked in TCS NQT.

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Reviews and Ratings

Tanu Jain
Tanu Jain
Placed at TCS NQT for Digital role
I enrolled for TCS NQT preparation test series and SDE preparation test series. I have always utilized the free resources available over gfg for interview preparation. For placements, I realized that I need structured pratice set to clear different rounds of interview. SDE prep test series helped me test my knowledge of DSA and core subjects. I appeared for TCS NQT in April, the NQT test series proved to be game changer for me. I praticed for the exam for over a month and the mock test series paved my way to score good in exam. I secured the marks in NQT and got chance to appear for interview of TCS Digital role and is waiting for my result of interview. I hope I get placed in TCS.

Reviews and Ratings

user profile
Tanu Jain
Placed at TCS NQT for Digital role
I enrolled for TCS NQT preparation test series and SDE preparation test series. I have always utilized the free resources available over gfg for interview preparation. For placements, I realized that I need structured pratice set to clear different rounds of interview. SDE prep test series helped me test my knowledge of DSA and core subjects. I appeared for TCS NQT in April, the NQT test series proved to be game changer for me. I praticed for the exam for over a month and the mock test series paved my way to score good in exam. I secured the marks in NQT and got chance to appear for interview of TCS Digital role and is waiting for my result of interview. I hope I get placed in TCS.

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I register for this test series?


What are the available payment methods?


Does the test expire if I do not take it on time?


What are the programming languages supported in the contests?


Is there a contact number available for inquiries?