
TCS NQT Mock Contestarchived
41 Questions
250 Marks
90 Minutes

Hi Geek,

Welcome to the Skill Dependence Coding Challenge: TCS NQT Mock Exam.

The contest consists of aptitude, verbal, programming logic, and one coding question.

The total time allotted for the contest is 90 minutes.

You should spend the given time in the respective sections as given below:
Aptitude:                             30 minutes
English:                              10 minutes
Programming Logic:         20 minutes
Coding:                               30 minutes


Rank 1 to 10: Flat 100% Discount on the TCS Interview Preparation Course

Rank 11 to 50: Flat 75% Discount on the TCS Interview Preparation Course

Rank 51 to 100: Flat 50% Discount on the TCS Interview Preparation Course

Rank 102 to 250: Flat 25% Discount on the TCS Interview Preparation Course

Rank 250+: Flat 10% Discount on the TCS Interview Preparation Course

Instructions for the Contest

  • Any type of plagiarism will not be entertained. In case, anyone is found guilty, the score of the concerned participants will be dropped to 0.
  • The maximum marks for each problem is 50. There is 5% penalty (on maximum marks) for each wrong submission. For example, if a problem is of 100 marks and a participant makes a wrong submission, the new maximum marks for that participant are reduced to 95. After the next wrong submission of the same problem, the new maximum marks are further reduced to 90.25 and so on. So, it is suggested to use 'Compile & Test' against sample test cases option before each submission.
  • Languages supported for the contest are: C++, Java, Python.
  • Each question has hints that you may use when you're stuck at a problem.

  • Marks are deducted on hints usage.

  • Note: Make sure other participants don't have access to your code. In case you are using any other online coding environment, you are responsible for the privacy of your code

  •  It is advised to attempt the Sample Geeks Challenge to get familiar with the GeeksforGeeks coding environment

Quiz Details

Quiz marks will be added to contest-score after the contest gets over.
You can modify your answers any number of times during the contest.
40 Questions
200 Marks

Coding Problem Details

Solve as many problem(s) as you can before the time runs out and based on the accuracy of your correct submission you will get the scores.
1 Questions
50 Marks
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